Minggu, 28 Desember 2008


After read articles from Dr. Marsigit MA which interconnected with planning learning Mathematic at the last i can conclude that:
1. In learning mathematic involvement student started as early as possible ion order to student active from start learning.
2. Involvement student in learning constitute mitivation from him self to student because they feel need learning, they no feel under preasure, no feel fortured, no feel worried and study mathematic by happy and they have feel responsibility.
3. Teacher as fasilitator to student which study. So the teacher need planning enviorement study mathematic, planning activity mathematic, scema learning mathematic, employing guest visual aid and planning activity assasment, so the teacher actualy can give fasilitator in a first-rate and student feel happy in study mathematic. At the least achievement learning mathematic.
4. Now in Indonesia many trend SBI. So mathematic teacher must ready to be mathematic teacher stage international.Teacher mathematic of SBI minimal have 3 criteria profesy :
1) Be in command material mathematic and education mathematic.
2) Capable bring about learning mathematic.
3) Always try upgrade profesy educational mathematic.

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